Are you ready for LOVE? - Allby1.Com >

Are you ready for LOVE?

Want More Love and Joy? Has your current relationship lost its sizzle? What prevents you from being ‘in love’?  Sexual Desires respond to outside forces such as stress and emotional experiences. Your sexual desires often change. Discover five tips to re-sexualize your self and improve your sex life.  Learn how resistance prevents you from having the love you desire. As you begin to feel better about yourself, people will begin to notice you differently.
Are you at a place in your life where you aren’t attracting the love you want?Has your current relationship lost its sizzle? What prevents you from being ‘in love’? How much energy do you exert NOT to love yourself or others? It takes more effort NOT to love, than to love. 

Want More Love and Joy? 

In order to make room for what you do want, you have to release and let go of the things you don’t want. To attract what you want, you will want to let go of everything that keeps you away from Love. Like attracts like. 

Unless you want to continue on your current path, you are probably overdue of letting go of emotional pain of a break-up, past failures or the need for approval. Maybe you continuously seek recognition at work or have unrealistic expectations for yourself. Thoughts like, “I’m not attractive” or “I will never have a loving relationship” need to be purged.  

What You Resist – Persists

As long as you continue to resist painful memories and limiting thoughts and beliefs you create separation. You create separation from your true self. You separate yourself from what you are ‘love’! And, love remains illusive.  

Are you resisting painful experiences from your past? Are you doing everything you can to forget the past? Maybe you think that the more you put your past behind you, the less effect it will have on you. 

Do you spend hours contemplating problems? When you focus on your problems, they persist. Your contempt for your problems fuels and strengthens them. The more energy you direct to your problems and pain, you create ‘stress’ and ‘dis-ease’.  

Are You Holding on to Pain?

Do you find yourself watching endless hours of TV? Are you trying to escape emotional and spiritual pain by taking drugs or alcohol? Do you overeat to escape the pain? Do you use your computer for hours on end to escape? What distractions take you out of being present with what you are feeling? Stored up pain such as hatred, anger, fear, frustration, apathy, depression etc. become scattered in your body and energetic space. 

Releasing Stuck Pain or Resistance

If you have ever been light-headed from hunger and then felt a sigh of contentment as you fed your body the perfect meal, you’ve experienced grounding. If you’ve ever melted into the back rub you got from a trusted person at the end of a stressful day, you’ve experienced being grounded.  

Grounding is a simple process of connecting to the Earth that many people do naturally throughout the course of a day. Anything that brings you to the sense of pleasure and release is grounding. When you are grounded, you feel centered focused, and present.  

People connect with their bodies and the Earth in many ways: through touch and body work, through eating, through being out in nature or in water, through contact with animals and through healthy sex. Visualizing, an imaginary grounding cord, is a way to release foreign energy from your body so that it can experience love and joy.  

Create a Path for Releasing to Feel Safe and Happy 

A grounding cord provides a way to flush out pent up energy and emotion so you can feel good about yourself. It is a way to move energy as it comes towards you, rather than letting it get stuck in the body. When foreign energy gets stuck in the body, it stops the natural flow of energy and might manifest as depression, a migraine headache, aches, pain, or eventually illness.  

Effortless Release Every Day for More Love 

Grounding works much like a drain or waterfall. When you pour water down the drain you probably never wonder ….:”where did it go?” Be patient with yourself and have fun with your new toy. Grounding becomes as natural like breathing or smiling with practice.  

Consider releasing other people’s problems, your worries and anxiety that are weighing you down... Keep it simple and stay amused with yourself. Tune into being in harmony with this process of grounding and letting everything go effortlessly. 

Grounding is such an invaluable tool in healing yourself that it’s worth taking the time to be sure you can do it easily and comfortably. With practice, you can train yourself to be connected with the earth all of the time.  Don’t create any limits for yourself on how much you can release without effort. 

Grounding Cord Visualization 

To revitalize and refresh your body, mind and spirit take the first step by letting go with grounding. It is always the first step to all the subsequent steps in this book. From the base of your spine, make a connection to the healing planet energy to release excess energy and stabilize your body. 

1.Close eyes but stay focused. 

•Be aware of own body with your feet flat on the floor. 
Create a mental image of line of energy between base of spine and the center of the planet. 
•Connect a grounding cord into the center of earth. 
•Secure the grounding cord snuggly at the base of your spine. 
•Notice your breathing. 
•Using the gravitational pull of the planet start to release foreign or stuck energy from your body and aura. 
•Notice how your body feels while grounding. Imagine seeing stuck energy draining out of you.  

Remember to: 
1.Start your day with by grounding yourself. 
2.Check in with yourself during the day to see if you have a grounding cord.
3.Notice what happens in your body as you release using your grounding cord.  

Grounding is one way to bring your self back into alignment with your essence– love. Practice the following grounding meditation 10-15 minutes each day. The more you practice to better your results. 

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attraction, sex appeal, love, sex, romance, relationships, dating

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About Yassir Boumezzourh

My Name is Yassir Boumezzourh I Am From Morocco, I am 19 Years old, I am Internet Marketer And The Founder Of The Website @Allby1.Com, We Aim Through This Site To Make A Reference In Several fields And To Knead To Serve The Pioneers Of The Web.
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