7 Places to Find the People You Need - Allby1.Com >

7 Places to Find the People You Need

Where do you go to find the PEOPLE you need to make your dreams a reality? Read the 7 suggestions in this article to get started. You might find the people you need are closer than you think.

Where do you go to find the PEOPLE you need to make your dreams a reality? Read the 7 suggestions below to get started. You might find the people you need are closer than you think.

1. Form or participate in a success team.

This is my secret. For every major project I commit to I surround myself with other people with similar goals. For example: I wanted help keeping my business on track. I formed a group with three other business owners who had the same goal. We learn a ton from each other, share resources, provide feedback and offer unending encouragement. We've been together for over a year and they play a big role in my ability to consistently get things done and make things happen.

2. Get coached!

I may be biased, but before I was a coach I hired a coach. It gave me the shot in the arm I needed to launch my business. Coaching is amazing because you get to work one-on-one with someone totally dedicated to you and your success. A coach will offer you encouragement, accountability and help you plan strategic courses of action.

3. Find a mentor.

A mentor will help you shorten your learning curve because they've already been where you want to go. Who in your profession or life do you admire? Ask them if they'd be willing to meet with you on a regular basis and be your mentor. For tips on setting up a good mentor-mentee relationship, search Google with the keywords "mentoring tips" or something similar. You'll find lots of information.

4. Follow an expert.

If you're looking for advice on a specific topic, let's say boosting self-confidence, read books, attend seminars or check online. When you find someone whose style you enjoy become an "expert groupie". Read their books, check out their website and watch for special programs they offer.

5. Join a special interest group.

There's a group for every interest and everyone! Group members often share best practices, swap referrals and bring in experts related to their unique niche. Look for existing groups in your local newspaper, community education and flyers on coffee shop bulletin boards. Your alumni association may have suggestions, as well as your local chamber of commerce and networking organizations.

6. Go online.

Join online discussion groups. My sister-in-law made a bevy of new friends when she joined an online discussion group of moms with kids all the same age. They've become friends, share parenting tips and even meet for an annual girl's weekend away! One note: always be careful when you join online communities. Although great ones exist there are plenty with unscrupulous characters just waiting to take advantage of trusting individuals.

7. Ask a friend.

Do you have a friend that would just love it if you asked for their help? Sometimes help is closer than you think. Do you have a friend that is particularly supportive and encouraging? If so, tell them your goal and ask for their support. They'll probably be thrilled and honored you thought of them and asked for their help. They may surprise you and ask for your help in return!

Surrounding yourself with PEOPLE that will help you get what you want is easier than you think but you have to ASK! Don't hesitate and don't be afraid. Ask and keep asking until you find "just the right" people to help you achieve your most important goals!

dreams, reality
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About Yassir Boumezzourh

My Name is Yassir Boumezzourh I Am From Morocco, I am 19 Years old, I am Internet Marketer And The Founder Of The Website @Allby1.Com, We Aim Through This Site To Make A Reference In Several fields And To Knead To Serve The Pioneers Of The Web.
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